Powder (Developer)
From the moment it appeared on the market it had been used in the printers. Special separate containers for the toner and for the Developer were installed in these devices. The amount of the powder was sufficient for the specific number of copies.
In the a laser printers Developer has been used as a "refining" supplement to a original toner. Both substances are mixed with eachother.
Terms and condition of developer storage
- lower limit - not less than 10°C,
- upper limit - not higher than 30°C
Average humidity (20-80%).
Also searched as:
Xerox WorkCentre Pro 16 / FX,WorkCentrePro16, Work Centre Pro16, WorkCentre Pro16, Work CentrePro16, WC Pro16, WCPro16, WCPro 16, WC Pro 16,
WorkCentrePro16FX, Work Centre Pro16FX, WorkCentre Pro16FX, Work CentrePro16FX, WC Pro16FX, WCPro16FX, WCPro 16FX, WC Pro 16FX